
Astrology Birth Chart Reading

90 mins


This session is a self-validation + self-acceptance tool to give you permission to embrace who you are + shine light on how you are naturally wired to operate in this lifetime. Here are some of the areas we will discuss:

  • Your personality from a holistic perspective - there is much, much more to you than your horoscope!

  • Some of the challenging energy/patterns you carry + how you can work with them

  • The area of life you have mastered from past lives + where your soul wants you to grow into in this lifetime

  • Your career point/public image/the gifts you have to share

Astrology Birth Chart Reading - Children

45 mins

This session is for children only. Ages 18 + under. This can be a reading for your child or for you as a parent(s).


This session is for you to understand more about about your child + the ways in which they naturally operate. We will look at the energy patterns your child came into the world with + how you can better understand + more consciously parent. Here are some of the areas we will discuss:

  • Their personality from a holistic perspective looking specifically at the innate way they project themselves, their ego + their emotional/inner world

  • The major energy/patterns they carry + how you can honor who they are, allow them to self-express + support them in their growth + development

Through the tool of astrology, discover what matters most, both individually + together. We will unpack:

  • The cosmic signature each of you carry - what are your similarities + differences

  • How you each want to be recognized - what those gifts are that translate into career

  • Purpose + what that means for each of you

  • What the energy of the union holds + how to best accept + support each other

Relationship Astrology Reading

90 mins


In this 60 minute session we will discuss the energy of the upcoming year ahead + how it is activating in your life. We will discuss:

  • Overall themes of the year ahead + how they relate to your birth chart

  • Opportunities for growth

  • Areas of challenge

The Year Ahead Chart Reading

60 mins


Rapid Fire Quick Question Session

10 mins


This 10-minute quick session can answer a specific question(s) or topic you would like to explore.